“I wish I could click “pregnant people”. My partner and I can’t get pregnant!”
There are so many pieces that make up the fertility challenge puzzle.
We don’t like the word “infertility” because it’s super discouraging and absolute, which might not always be the case. One piece of the puzzle may be that your body is wired for stress. Stress beyond the body’s ability to adapt can activate the “fight-or-flight” mode. Think of this in primitive terms (it might sound ridiculous but stick with us). Say you’re at the watering hole, minding your own business, and BAM! A tiger appears. In that moment, your body’s only concern is getting away from that tiger. It doesn’t care about creating or growing a baby, because you can’t reproduce if you’re tiger food. While we for the most part aren’t running from tigers anymore, our bodies can still be stuck in that same fight-or-flight response. Chiropractic care helps to regulate the nervous system moving you from stress to rest, which very well may be your missing puzzle piece!
Psst! One more thing.
While women get blamed a lot, they aren’t the only party involved in making a baby. It takes egg AND sperm. If you are the creator of sperm, it might be a good idea to have your puzzle pieces checked as well! Excess stress can affect your swimmers.